Our Aims |
(2) to encourage an interest in and understanding of the importance of fungi in the environment, with an emphasis on conservation. [Fungi form their own kingdom and exist in close partnership with every other form of life. Some fungi are plant pathogens, but many have properties with utility functions important to modern human life. Most importantly, fungi act as decomposers which recycle waste organic material and return it to the soil, as well as and together with bacteria and other micro-organisms. Many fungi are essential to healthy growth or germination of plants. Out of all known vascular plants, around 90% are thought to grow in mutual association with fungi, and many will not grow without help from the fungi. Without fungi the ecosystems of the Earth would almost certainly collapse. (3) to develop a greater knowledge of fungi among ourselves, through taxonomic studies, as well as a small number of field excursions and workshops. [The fungi are considered to outnumber the plants within the same environment, by seven to one at least. However, due to technical difficulties in studying them, the fungi tend to be much under-recorded. For example, the British Mycological Society’s database lists less than 5000 fungal species ever recorded in Surrey (including those which do not necessarily grow on vascular plants) whereas Botanical Society of the British Isles (BSBI) recognises 997 species of vascular plants as native to Surrey.* This goes despite the fact that British fungi are well recorded in comparison with the most of the world, and that Surrey is mycologically one of the best recorded counties in Britain. New species to science have been described from Surrey a number of times, and new species to the county are being found quite regularly, but a large number of fungi are thought still to remain undiscovered. (4) to promote the conservation of fungi. [A substantial area in Surrey has been already swallowed into the Greater London administrative area. Natural or semi-natural habitats for wildlife are becoming increasingly segmented, and are often threatened by development. These areas are of great importance for continuation of local biodiversity. In the western part of the county, a variety of special habitats remain, e.g. heathland and downland. The fungi particular to such habitats need to be investigated, and their presence should be supported and emphasised.] |