Your Enquiry
We may be able to help other Surrey mycologists in identifying fungal specimens collected within the county or in confirming their identities, but only when an attempt at identification has already been made. [Our Study Area].
Please note that we may not be able to do the identification work immediately, because Group members are few, and loaded with other work all the time. Also, any help offered will depend on the condition, quantity and circumstance of your collection(s). If in doubt, please e-mail us at
We cannot respond to queries regarding consumption of fungi, or poisoning, nor those of a legal or commercial nature. In such cases you may consider contacting the Mycology Section, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, e-mail:
For medical emergency go to your local A&E or contact Medical Toxicology Information Service, 24 hours telephone service,
Tel. 020 7188 0600.
Any specimen sent to us should be dried and sent to our office address by post, accompanied with a note giving details [see below].
How to send your specimen to us by post
1. Dry the fungus using a food dryer (40 °C) or place it above a radiator on a wire mesh. Leave it overnight or longer if necessary.
2. Pack the fungus (and plant material on which or near which the fungus was growing) in a clean envelope. If the specimen is fragile use a small flat box and place a small amount of tissue beside it. Place the envelope or box in a padded bag.
3. Prepare your note which should contain details as below.
4. Insert your note and an SAE (if you require our response by post) in the padded bag and send it to us at the address in Membership/Contact page.
The note must contain:
• Your full name, address, contact telephone or e-mail
• Locality (where you collected the fungus, site, place, address etc.)
• Habitat (in your garden, road verge, park etc.)
• Date of collection
• Substrate (on soil, on soil in grass, on litter, on compost, on bonfire site, on dung, etc.)
• Host (if you know the name of the plants on which or near which the fungus was growing)
• Other notes (how the fungus looked when fresh) and pictures (prints or digital files)
• Literature already used in attempting to name your specimen
• Name of the collector (if different from yours)
Don't eat me, study me,
…but who am I? (Q2)